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Monday, May 31, 2010

You're Welcome Alts

The last post from Alts confirmed something for me. It's something that has been plaguing my thoughts for a long time. It is the simple idea that knowledge, in the hands of the wrong person, can be a very dangerous thing. In this case it is not the knowledge and wisdom possessed by my fellow geek Alts that is the proverbial shotgun wielding monkey. Rather it is the perceived expertise of this and other websites that can be the digital equivalent of running with scissors. These websites designed to rate or offer advice on gear are ruining my enjoyment of this game.

For me, life was much simpler when I was younger. My universe did not extend past the schoolyard. I woke up went to school, played hockey (I AM CANADIAN) and waited for the weekend. I lived in blissful ignorance for many, many years. One Saturday afternoon my mother returned home with a new pair of shoes for me. They were the coolest pair of sneakers I had ever seen, blue leather with white stitching and, the coup de grace, a lightning bolt on either side. I almost wet myself from the excitement. With these sneakers I would be the fastest boy in the world! I put them on my trembling feet and sheepishly, as to not release all of the awesome at once, took a single step. BAM! The power of the shoes surged within me. I took another step and BAM! The power was too great for my little eight year old being. But I knew I would have to press on, I yelled for my brother to come into the backyard.

He came running down the stairs and into the backyard where he stopped dead in his tracks. "Nice shoes!" he squealed, and without anymore words being uttered we both knew what had to happen next.

We lined up at the cedar bushes, side by side. Me looking down the final acre of our yard and my brother still staring at the lightning bolt emblazoned on my shoes. 1, 2, 3 GO! We took off running. I was sure that the sonic boom could be heard from across Canada. The trees that lined our yard were a mere blur and everything else around me was shut out. It was tunnel vision and all I could see was the end of the yard, blurry trees and the back of my brother. The back of my brother, what the hell? How could he beat me, how could he beat the shoes?

After that race I never wore the shoes again. I couldn't believe that those shoes could allow me to lose to anybody. The truth of the matter is had I not raced my brother that day I would have went to school the next Monday still believing that I was the fastest boy in the world. Maybe as long as I only raced the fat kids at school I would have still believed that I was the fastest boy in the world. The problem, however, was that I did race my brother and that loss could never be erased from my memory.  

I draw the same parallel to other WOW websites. As long as I don't allow myself to be measured, be it by gear score, recount or websites offering gear analysis, I am still the fastest boy in the world. I can get into an instance and things will die, I can complete quests and I still receive experience points. So why the hell would I care if some geek sitting in his mother's basement tells me that I can squeeze out another 200 dps if I switch my red gem of sweetness for an orange gem of slightly sweeterness (it's a word). Who am I hurting by using a piece of gear that I like?     

Memorial Day Music Monday

Here in the states, today is Memorial Day. It’s a day traditionally seen as the start of summer and a perfect time to engage in a little hot grill-on-grill action. And you can’t grill without a) beer and b) music. So kick back, crack open a cold one, tip your hat to those who have served, and enjoy this joyful noise. Good thing it’s a holiday, too. Since some of this noise is a tad NSFW.

La Roux, “I’m Not Your Toy”

Elly Jackson’s pompadour rivals Janelle Monáe in sheer architectural audacity. Also, how is she not gay?

Hunter Valentine, “The Stalker”

Now, on the other hand, Hunter Valentine lead singer Kiyomi McCloskey is gay. I think the term you’re searching for is lesbothrob.

Goldfrapp, “Alive”

Let’s get physical, with vampires and Satanists. Naturally.

Metric, “Stadium Love”

So this video is not approved by PETA. I could do without the gruesome slo-mo National Geographic footage. But the song is good. Basically look away whenever Emily Haines isn’t on screen.

Rihanna, “Te Amo”

Rihanna frolics with Laeticia Casta in a Parisian castle. Or, as I call it, just another Monday.

Complicated Universal Cum, “I Can’t Hardly Wait”

Girls kissing. Yes, it’s that simple.

Happy Memorial Day, all.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

You're Kidding Me - Right?

I have been playing this game for quite a while. My first toon was a rogue and I was looking in her bank the other day and I still have items in there from years ago. I have made many more toons since then and with respect to me thinking I have Alzheimer's etc. I rely on websites to assist me at a glance as to what I need to focus on for a specific toon.

Ever since I found the site, I have been a fan of the Be Imba! character auditor. As mentioned, having so many toons I rely on this site to provide me a way of knowing what piece I need to upgrade, what enchant I am missing an upgrade for and to know if I should even bother /Waving at a toon at the Dalaran fountain for the subsequent gear check when my Gear-o-Meter says there is no way on earth I should be going there.

I was pretty comfortable with the site. Then Nebz goes and gives me the URL for the Elitist Amory site. What a jerk. I go to that site and enter my various toon names. OK, not bad, this toon is pretty good, this one needs work and I know where I need to focus. Then I enter my Warlock jewelcrafter's name. Ugh!

Items Passed - 88%

(Ok I understand, I have a few PvP pieces purchased with honor in order to satiate my GearScore to the clowns at the Dalaran fountain)

Enchants Passed - 100%


Gems Passed - 88%

WHAT! I am a jewelcrafter, how could this be? I am anal when it comes to my gems and enchants. What am I doing wrong? I get on all the theorycrafter sites. Read up on all the warlock information I could get. OK, more Runed Cardinal Rubies. Hit capped, need haste? Maybe some Quick King's Ambers?

I make some changes to my gems and refresh the Elitist Armory site - Gems Passed 89%. WHAT!!! One stinking percent! 600G spent on the uncut gems I didn't have in stock. WTF. Nebz did I mention I hate you.

I realized at that time, I have no idea what I am doing. I even chuckled when I actually read the Elitist Armory site notes saying, "Next up, gem and enchant suggestions". Ugh! I give up. Trying to figure out how to upgrade this toon is like fixing that truck in the photo using a board as a jack. I think, I need a drink. I will come back to this when they upgrade their site with the gem and enchant suggests.

Friday, May 28, 2010

BRAIN FACT: The Brain Does Not Like To Be Bored

The brain does not like to be bored. Learning something new keeps the brain active throughout life.

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Jessica Biel Images and Wallpaper Gallery

Jessica Biel is an Hollywood actress and former American model, who appeared in several Hollywood films like The Illusionist, the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Summer Catch and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. She is also known for her television role as Mary Camden in 7th Heaven.

Jessica Claire Biel was born to Kimberly Biel, a homemaker and spiritual healer, and Jonathan Biel, an entrepreneur and international business consultant on March 3, 1982. She has a younger brother, Justin who was born in the year 1985.

In early 2007, Jessica along with her father and another business partner, Kent McBride co-founded the Make the Difference Network. MTDN is a cause-oriented social network that connects non-profit organizations with potential donors and increases the awareness for small-to-medium non-profit organizations. MTDN's mission is to democratize giving by increasing the visibility of thousands of non-profit organizations and empowering potential donors to search, select and fund these organizations’ specific "wishes" and then to see the results of their giving.

Name : Jessica Claire Biel
Birth Date : March 3, 1982
Birth Place : Ely, Minnesota, U.S.
Profession : Actress
Years active : 1996–present
Parents : Kimberly Biel and Jonathan Biel

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Jessica Biel Images and Wallpaper Gallery

Jessica Biel is an Hollywood actress and former American model, who appeared in several Hollywood films like The Illusionist, the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Summer Catch and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. She is also known for her television role as Mary Camden in 7th Heaven.

Jessica Claire Biel was born to Kimberly Biel, a homemaker and spiritual healer, and Jonathan Biel, an entrepreneur and international business consultant on March 3, 1982. She has a younger brother, Justin who was born in the year 1985.

In early 2007, Jessica along with her father and another business partner, Kent McBride co-founded the Make the Difference Network. MTDN is a cause-oriented social network that connects non-profit organizations with potential donors and increases the awareness for small-to-medium non-profit organizations. MTDN's mission is to democratize giving by increasing the visibility of thousands of non-profit organizations and empowering potential donors to search, select and fund these organizations’ specific "wishes" and then to see the results of their giving.

Name : Jessica Claire Biel
Birth Date : March 3, 1982
Birth Place : Ely, Minnesota, U.S.
Profession : Actress
Years active : 1996–present
Parents : Kimberly Biel and Jonathan Biel

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My Weekend Crush

I liked this show, a lot. People who thought “Sex and the City” was just about superficial women who slept around missed the point. It was, quite simply, about women who were friend. Not rivals. Not props. Not girlfriends. Friends, with each other – always. Boyfriends (heck even a girlfriend) came and went. Styles changed. Cocktails were finished. But through it all they were friends. They helped each other navigate the city, that jungle of concrete, dreams, pain and joy. They weren’t perfect. Sometimes they were real, sometimes they were surreal. They represented a slice of life some aspire to, others care little for and most will never have. But they had something almost all of us want – friend who are our family. And for six seasons that is what we got. Now I watched the first film, with a group of female friends, and had fun. And I’ll watch the second film, though with a tremendous amount of trepidation given its terrible reviews. Yet these women, for all their flaws, still feel like friends. I hope that never changes. Happy weekend, all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

BRAIN FACT: The Brain Is Ready to Learn Math Skills In the Pre-School Years Through Comparison of Size and Shape With Real Objects

The brain is ready to learn basic math skills in the pre-school years. It doesn't occur from saying the numbers in order. It learns through doing comparisons of size and shape, and few and many. Connections will be made in the brain when this is done with real objects.

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Gender Fuck Thursday

Beyoncé may have emphatically sung about going “to the left, to the left,” but today is all about the right. No, not the state of being correct or, banish the thought, the political affiliation. I’m talking about the actual physical direction. As in turn to your right. Your other right, Brittany. Hey, not all the themes are deep. But they are hot. So without further ado, all righty then.

Piper Perabo
Monica Bellucci
Dita Von Teese
Janelle Monáe
Tilda Swinton
Kelly Clarkson
Katharine Hepburn
Juliette LewisWell, there’s always a contrarian.

p.s. Hey, tumblesbians. I’m always extremely, extremely flattered when you post my pictures. But, if possible, please provide a link back. Consider it old-school reblogging. In keeping with today’s theme, it’s just the right thing to do. Merci buckets.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Simply the best

If Tina Fey wins an award, I’m gonna write about it. If Tina Fey wins an award that names her the funniest person in the country, I’m gonna crow about it. These, by the way, are not hypotheticals. They are, thanks to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, just fact. Yesterday it was announced that Tina will be the 13th recipient of the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. It will make her only the third women and youngest person to be given the country’s top humor honor.

Over at AfterEllen today (what, you thought I’d only write about this once?), I count down 10 of my favorite Tina Fey moments of all time. But a few slipped through the cracks. So here are a few of my other favorite scenes from “30 Rock.” Much like potato chips and international adoptees in the Jolie-Pitt household, it’s impossible to have just one. So let’s all get business drunk and enjoy them together.

Night Cheese

How to Get Out of Jury Duty

I Want to Go to There


Little Lesbian

That entire episode was amazing, right down to its bi-curious shoes

Where’s My Sandwich?!

That entire episode was amazing, too, right down to her wolfing her special Teamsters sandwich in a single take.

The Best of Liz Lemon

In honor of Tina’s richly deserved award, I declare today We Are All Liz Lemon Day. Suck it, nerds.

BRAIN FACT: Nutrition Directly Affects the Health Of The Brain

Nutrition directly affects the health of the brain and intellectual abilities.

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Photo Credit: Simona Balint

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BRAIN FACT: What You Learn and Focus On Physically Changes Your Brain

What you think about, learn, and focus on physically changes and re-wires your brain.

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Tank Top Tuesday: Lost Edition

I never watched “Lost.” Not one episode. Not even five minutes. Never. But I still felt curious about the finale this weekend. As a person who prides herself on her pop culture prowess, I just had to know. How does it end? So I watched the last 15 minutes. Yes, yes – I know. You can’t just watch the last 15 minutes of any show and expect to understand. So, basically I had no idea what was going on. But from a lot of regular watchers’ initial reactions, I wasn’t the only one. [Spoilers Alert: If you haven’t watched the finale, SKIP TO THE PICTURES!] So, dude, how about that Sixth Sensing of the finale? We’re all seeing dead people. In church! And then there was a dog! I honestly don’t know what to make of it all, but I do know that I commend “Lost” for spinning a hell of a yarn that engrossed a hell of a lot of people for six seasons. Well, that and employing some gorgeous, gorgeous women and stranding them on a desert island with a wardrobe full of tank tops. So long, “Lost,” I hardly knew you.

Evangeline Lilly (Kate)Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia)Maggie Grace (Shannon)Rebecca Mader (Charlotte)Yunjin Kim (Sun)Emilie de Ravin (Claire) Cynthia Watros (Libby)Elizabeth Mitchell (Juliet)She even looks good all dirty and bedraggled in her tank top.

So I guess the only question now is who is your favorite twosome?

Libby & Ana LuciaJuliet & Kate

What? I said I didn’t watch, not that I didn’t keep track of who was who and who looked particularly hot in a tank top.
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