Black-and-white, Lady Gaga, Charlies Angels often abbreviated B/W or B and W, is a term referring to a number of monochrome forms in visual arts.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010
Jane addiction
So Monday’s marathon sleuthing for the identity of Jane Lynch’s date for the Golden Globes (that would be her girlfriend and – sniffle – betrothed, Dr. Lara Embry) only further confirmed what I already knew: I love Jane Lynch. Now, out of respect to her committed relationship, I’m going to downshift that love to a platonic level. Hey, I’m no happy homewrecker (except when it comes to my Tina – given the first opportunity I would totally take out her tiny elf of a husband. Just kidding. Sort of.)
Anyway, this is a round-about way of saying that Jane and her psychologist girlfriend are invited over to the house anytime for Parcheesi and crackers. Besides, after learning these nine things about Jane, I’m convinced it would have never worked out anyway. I save all my greeting cards.
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