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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wonder girl

Yesterday I gave you arm porn. Today, well, it’s not exactly porn porn, but – you know – close enough. Christina Hendricks showed the girls off again at the premiere for “I Don’t Know How She Does It.” I know it’s probably crass to keep talking about the obvious, but they’re just so … obvious. Though, in an attempt to change the subject, I really like this dress on her. Sometimes Christina wears fashion on the red carpet that struggles to compete with her most abundant assets (dammit, I’m back to talking about them again). But this dress just complements her figure in a lovely soft, creamy, my-God-I-want-to-touch-her-skin way.

Christina spoke with Vulture about “I Don’t Know How She Does It” as well as her other upcoming projects – “Drive” with Ryan Gosling and “Struck by Lightning” written by none other than Kurt Hummel himself, Chris Colfer. Though one tidbit that interested me in particular was how “Drive” director Nicolas Winding Refn really wanted Christina to play Wonder Woman. And she said she’d do it “in a heartbeat.”Right, not to get stuck on the same subject again, but sweet merciful Zeus, could you imagine the industrial-strength corseting that would be required to keep those wonder girls in the Wonder bustier? The mind boggles.

The other interesting tidbit from the interview was that Christina is going to bring a 19-year-old with the Make-A-Wish Foundation as her co-date to the Emmys (she’ll also be taking her husband). Well wished for, young man, very well wished for.

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