Oh, kittens. My apologies for falling asleep last night before finishing my post. I blame all the cheese food products I consumed during my Super Bowl
football game eating extravaganza. But, I want to make my absence this morning up to you. How, you ask? Anne Hathaway, I say. Not only is the delightful, pale-skinned, doe-eyed actress endlessly likable, she is steadfastly gay-friendly. In fact, in her cover story for the new British GQ magazine, she reveals that her entire family converted from the Catholic to the Episcopalian church after her brother came out in protest of the former’s anti-gay stance.
told the magazine:
“The whole family converted to Episcopalianism after my elder brother came out. Why should I support an organization that has a limited view of my beloved brother?”
See, endlessly likable. Also, the lingerie doesn’t hurt.
So, am I forgiven?
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