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Monday, April 18, 2011

Revolutions in the future will be on line

Revolutions in the future will be on line, although this is currently the case in many countries which have had political problems and unrest in the Middle East and North Africa. In countries where official news cease to broadcast news or are told what to show people have been replaced by bloggers or via social networks, by people who are in the centre of the revolution. 

Wikileaks has emphasised how this has already started and that the internet will eventually be the leading force in any revolution. Previous examples show how this is already the fact, e.g. in Iran Twitter was used and in Tunisia Facebook was the main source of information and source for starting demonstrations. I have a personal experience when the police man shot the 15 year old teenager in Athens. Many of my friends where sending messages with updates whilst trying to organise a demonstration.

A recent paradigm is Tunisia where people demonstrated in order to bring democracy to the African state. Their main weapon was the internet. That is why the Tunisian authorities started stealing passwords and spying on the citizens in order to control the situation and limit the critical voices which constantly expanded internally and beyond the borders. On the other hand Facebook has realised its important role of information exchange especially amid any crisis and has publicly committed to not censor anything. 

Information and global communication currently available are unprecedented; this will of course continue to be the case in the future. The internet has already become a critical form of struggle of the modern epoch. All needed now is a click, a keyboard will do all the job. Rebels can easier complain against corruption and the system. This has made it more difficult for governments and powerful individuals to stop various people talking and acting against corruption, especially against authoritarian regimes, as is the current case in many states in the Middle East and North Africa. 
The on line revolution is inevitable and will increase in the future. 

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