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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Aww. And shucks.

Holy crap, kittens, we won! Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for your votes, your support and for just coming back day after day. I’m humbled and flattered and honored. I’ll pick the drawing winners soon, I promise. But until then, please let me virtually hug each and every one of you with my legs in friendship. Yeah, feel that gratitude. A big thank you once again to Kelly from The Lesbian Lifestyle for generously hosting and organizing the whole shebang. And a hearty congratulations to the other 2009 The Lezzy Award winners:
Best Humor: Grace the Spot
Best Parenting: Up Popped a Fox
Best Engagement/Wedding: My Big Fat Gay Wedding
Best Feminist/Political: Feministing
Best Personal: Peaches & Coconuts
Best Out Later in Life: Making Space
Best Sex/Short Story/Erotica: Sugarbutch Chronicles
Best New Lesbian Blog: Autostraddle
Best Podcast: The Lesbian Lounge
Lifetime Achievement:

Truth be told, I probably only won in Entertainment/Culture because Autostraddle and its swarm of interns graciously chose to only campaign for New Blog. Bless their little gay hearts. And bless your little gay hearts – and straight hearts, and bi hearts, and transgender hearts, really any kind of working ticker. You are too kind, as usual.

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